Message from the Director
At Keio University, which has played a leading role in society through its activities in areas such as education, research, and social contributions and has graduated numerous human resources to help promote these activities over the more than 160 years since its founding, the Health Center is expected to assist the University in fulfilling its responsibilities by providing health support for faculty and staff, graduate and undergraduate students, and students from elementary school through high school, while also contributing to society through advancement of research activities and training human resources in the field of health management.
The Health Center's operations can be considered to grow in size and complexity each year. As the University's activities are expected to expand in multifaceted ways in response to structural changes in contemporary society, it also can be expected that the Health Center will need to perform even more diverse roles in the future. As such, we believe that the continued maintenance of a flexible organization able to adapt to such changes will become even more important in the future.
In the area of research, we intend to build a structure capable of promoting research on preventive medicine, which will grow increasingly important in the future, by fully taking advantage of our various strengths. These include an environment that enables continual health management from youth through young adulthood, through a unified educational structure extending from elementary school to the university and graduate-school levels; the health management we provide to faculty and staff from young adulthood through the prime of life and middle age, through health examination and treatment services; as well as our highly experienced staff of physicians specializing in internal medicine, pediatrics, and psychiatry and an environment that facilitates cooperation with advanced research institutions and medical facilities across a wide range of fields, including diverse academic departments, research laboratories, and university hospitals.
In addition, in the area of education we intend to promote the spread of practical knowledge through means including health management and prevention of health risks, via lectures, seminars, and distance learning.
In our healthcare, industrial medicine, and school medicine services, our goal is to support all users affiliated with the University while focusing on safety in psychical and mental health management, so that they can devote themselves to their academic and professional activities with peace of mind.
The Health Center appreciates your continued understanding and support.
Director, Keio University Health Center